Wednesday, May 12, 2010

In the rain with Love- Episode 1

The Windows of my Room shuddered once again as thunder struck Bangalore once again that evening. It was raining since morning and had pushed almost all people indoors. I kept scribbling something on my pad hearing to the sound of rain. I dipped a biscuit in the hot coffee in the mug & as I moved over towards the window to close it; the power went off making it darker where my life was already filled with unending darkness. As I was about to close the window, lightning struck almost giving a few seconds of complete brightness to Bangalore. In this flash of lightning, god made me notice a girl in a white chudidar standing beneath a tree. The ends of her white Duppata had those silver trinkets which glistened along with her white silver earrings to the flash of lightning. I was blown away by the beauty of this girl and became as still as a rock even though I had seen her only for a second. The coffee dipped biscuit in my hand became even softer and fell into the coffee and few drops of hot coffee fell on my face making me shrug & also come back to senses from a short tour of fantasized world. I wiped the drops of coffee of my face and gazed my eyes out of the window scanning if I could see her again. It was pouring heavily which made seeing an object 10m far also difficult but I still frantically searched for her. To my fortune, heavy flashy lights from the headlamps of a car coming towards her gave me another chance of visualizing her. This time, instead of going to the fantasy world, I rushed downstairs and reached for the door and go towards her. As soon as I opened the door, the same car sped past me and I held myself back for a second and then ran towards the other end of the road only to find no one standing there. I clenched my fists and punched myself with it. The street lamp glowed as the power came back and I had another view of the place where I had seen the girl from the window. I turned towards the other side and I happened to see a part of the white dress popping out from the rear door of the car at the far end of the road and I realized that the girl had gone in that car and all this had happened in seconds. I shook my head at the happenings that took place a couple of minutes ago when a small purse caught my attention. Yes, it seemed to be of the girl whom I had seen. I picked it from the side end of the road and brushed away the dirt and drops of water which had accumulated on the top of the purse. I went inside and sat in my room again. I was in a dilemma on whether to open the purse or not but I had to somehow give it back to the owner. This thought flashed another idea which made me think that I could get closer to the girl whom I had seen minutes before. I opened the purse and found all the customary things that a woman has in her purse along with a few notes. There was nothing that could get me any information about that girl. I closed the purse and as I was about to throw the purse back into the drawer, I sensed something hard at the bottom end of the purse. I opened the purse again to find out what that was and as I saw that, it brought me a smile to my face. It seemed to be her mobile phone and I was happy that I could get some amount of information through that.

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